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Listing 5-7. Retrieving a Certificate from the Local Computer Certificate Store Using Its Key Identifier using Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security.X509; private X509SecurityToken GetSigningToken() { // NOTE: If you use the WSE 3.0 sample certificates then // you should not need to change these IDs string ClientBase64KeyId = "Xt/WZcILstC8oJuMqQcxbokIGR4="; X509SecurityToken token = null; // Open the CurrentUser Certificate Store X509CertificateStore store; store = X509CertificateStore.CurrentUserStore( X509CertificateStore.MyStore ); if ( store.OpenRead() ) { X509CertificateCollection certs = store.FindCertificateByKeyIdentifier( Convert.FromBase64String( ClientBase64KeyId ) ); if (certs.Count > 0) { // Get the first certificate in the collection token = new X509SecurityToken( ((X509Certificate) certs[0]) ); } } return token; } Certificates require some effort to install and to configure, but it is well worth it. Certificates are easy to use once they are installed and you get a high level of security from asymmetric encryption compared to other methods. Asymmetric encryption does have the drawback of being more processor-intensive than other methods, so it can suffer in performance compared to other methods. But there are workarounds to this. For example, you can implement WS-Secure Conversation, which optimizes the performance of encrypted communication between a Web service and client. WS-Secure Conversation is covered in 7. Finally, you will learn a lot more about using certificates in your solutions by reading 6, which focuses on the WS-Security specification. upc internet budapest Kabelový operátor UPC zvyšuje rychlosti připojení, ale také ceny ...
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Sep 25, 2017 · Potřebujete rychlé a spolehlivé připojení k internetu, ale do vašeho sídla ... sítě UPC na krátkém úseku, takzvané poslední míli, létají vzduchem. The first step to installing the application is to download the source code bundle from http://manning.com/panda/. The source file bundle is named codeexamples-javaeesdk.zip. Unzip the source into any directory, such as c:\ejb_3_in_action\code_examples. We assume that you will be using the Derby database shipped with GlassFish, so the data sources in the Ant setup script are for Derby. However, you could use any other database, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or the free Oracle XE (www.oracle.com/technology/products/database/xe/index. html) database. You ll simply need to make the appropriate changes to the Ant tasks. If you plan to use a database other than Derby, don t forget to copy the JDBC driver to the %RI_HOME%\lib directory and restart RI server. For example, if you want to use the Oracle XE database, then copy the ojdbc14.jar JDBC driver to the server library directory. Edit the common.xml file in the code examples directory root and change the admin password for GlassFish. If you are using a database other than Derby, you ll need to change the jdbc.url and other database information in the build.xml file in the code examples root. Open a command window. Type in the following: upc nincs internet 2017 Internet - UPC.ro
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Od 7.7. nam nejde vobec v Petrzalke - v blizkosti Hypertesca - internet, ani telefon, televizia ale ide. Trva to uz 9 dni a vy mozete volat hodiny do UPC, kym sa ... lib") // this pragma ensures that the PE entry point _CorExeMain can be linked #pragma comment(linker, "/ENTRY:main") // this pragma sets the managed entry point to the function main int __clrcall main() { // we can't use printf or std::cout here, // so we use the Win32 alternative wchar_t text[] = L"Hello "; HANDLE hConOut = ::GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); DWORD cchWritten = 0; ::WriteConsoleW(hConOut, text, sizeof(text)/sizeof(*text)-1, &cchWritten, NULL); System::Console::WriteLine(" world"); } Notice that in this sample, I use Win32 API functions instead of printf or cout from the CRT.. Where GlassFish is installed set J2EE_HOME=C:\Sun\SDK set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\java\jdk1.5 Where JDK is installed cd C:\ejb_3_in_action\code_examples ant This will prepare data sources and JMS resources necessary for the database. The output of the Ant task is shown in figure E.12. If you re using another database, such as Oracle XE, then you can configure the Java EE SDK (or reference implementation) server by typing WSE is an evolving product that implements only a subset of the available ratified WS- specifications. Microsoft has done a good job of implementing the more popular WS- specifications, including security and policy. But the WSE product cannot keep pace with the rapid change of the WS- specifications. Existing specifications continue to change and new ones continue to be released. Even within a given specification, WSE will probably only cover a subset of what is available. This is in fact why Microsoft develops WSE on a separate release schedule from the .NET Framework. abonamente cablu si internet upc UPC Connect Box - UPC Fiber Power 240 hibaelhárítás - YouTube
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